Thursday, June 29, 2006

Traveling night

Last night was the traveling night to new home for the bees from balcony. I’ll miss them.
Every day when I came back from the work I was eating and then I spent a lot of time looking to them. It was very relaxing for me.
9:47 PM. Last inspection before departure. Make sure if everything is OK. I fixed the inner cover, blocked the entrance.
10:05 PM With the hive in boot of the car started the journey to Capruta.
11:25 PM Arrived in Capruta, the new home.
About mid night the hive is on the new stand. I opened the entrance. The bees were calm after 64 km traveling. I slept in Capruta till today, traveling by train back to Arad. Today coming back from the work. I did find 5 or 7 works bees flying up and down but no home for them. I fill sorry for them.

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