Monday, June 16, 2008

14,15 June or Swarms If you wish

For sure you had enough of my complains in my last posts, but this weather make me feel stupid: this is not beekeeping this is a kind of lottery. For quite some time I have the idea to give up because this is not the way to work my bees.
Arrived to my beeyard and I did find the same cloudy sky. I started assembling the Alpine hive T made last winter. Really I want to work with this type of hive. Last 2 years I did read a lot on the Internet about this Warre hive. I can not say something about this type of hive because I know about Warre only by reading, but I want to see how it works. You can see me in action doing 3 Alpine hive.

On Saturday I did wake up about 7 am with a lot of hope. The same cloudy sky. About 11 AM I did try to open one hive to see if I can working the bees. No way, I got a lot of stings. I did give up.
Start cutting the grass and I had a coffee . About 1:30 PM I did hear a "big" near my hives. Guess what I saw ? You can see in this little movie.
I do not blame the bees, I do not blame the weather I blame my self why I don’t give up. That it.

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